Looney Luca

Original Family Art

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Hand Drawn by Son
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Digitalized by Mom
πŸ‘‰πŸ» Assembled by Dad

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Who is Looney Luca ?!

The Looney Luca collection tells a story based on our real-life son, Luca. When you browse through the illustrations, you can actually sort of get to know him a little bit. Facts about his ancestry, where he lives, his family, what he loves, his hobbies, and traits of Luca are incorporated into the drawings. Of course, some traits are fictionalized or dramatized a bit.

Fun Fact

The Handelskade, part of downtown Willemstad, the island's capital, features beautiful colorful buildings in Dutch colonial style, which are part of UNESCO heritage, while the Christoffelpark, Curacao's biggest natural park with beautiful flora and fauna, including the Christoffelberg, the highest point of Curaçao, is a favorite destination for Luca's family.

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How Looney Luca came to be

The creation of the collection was a process that took about 7 months to complete and eventually became a family project. One day Luca came to us with some pencil drawings, creating cartoons with a main character. This character had spiky hair, big eyes, long thin legs, a naughty smile, and big feet. The cartoons were funny, and my husband made a joke about them being cool NFTs. It seemed fun to recreate my son's drawings in Procreate, so I did...









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