Looney Luca

Looney Luca #4303

Accessory 7 Attributes
Accessory Annoyed Eyes
Accessory Puffy Eyes
Accessory Punk Tattoo
Accessory Sad
Accessory Shirtless
Accessory Surfing Board Curaçao
Accessory Thinking Cloud Revenge
Hair High

Random Fun Fact

Luca has partly Southern Italian ancestry; from his mother's side, his ancestors came from the Southern Italian town of Naples and the countryside of Calabria. The white outfit with the black mask represents Pulcinella, a historic symbolic figure of the city of Naples. His mother grew up speaking Italian and Dutch, and she has a special Italian nickname for Luca: "Lucanino" or "Cicciolino" are among her favorite names to call him. Luca's name is Italian for Luke, while his father is called Lucas (we actually say Luc), which is the Dutch version of Luke.

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